It's not an award, it's a thank you.

It's impossible to build anything alone. It always takes a We.

Not just any We. A We that believes in what's being built.

Maybe it's not an actual city - it could be a business, a product, a community, a project.

It's the We who make it This City and not That City.

It's those people you look at with pride and a smile, and say WE. BUILT. THIS. CITY.

We all know Builders in our lives who deserve plenty of praise for the City they are building.

That's why we built WeBuiltThisCity - as a way for builders to celebrate, recognize and appreciate each other.

We Built This City

What makes a builder?

Builders turn ideas into something lasting.

They are the ones dedicated towards building something great.

Great as a measure of impact, not scale: Whether one person, one hundred, or one thousand - their impact is lasting, sustaining, intentional, permeating, and far-reaching.

“We built this city” are 4 words that perfectly capture what it means to be a Builder:

WE: Builders aren't going it alone. They want to bring as many people as possible along for the ride.
BUILT: Builders see opportunities where others see problems. Builders take action.
THIS: Builders are proud of what they are building. Intentional, deliberate and accountable. This city, not that city.
CITY: Whether it's an actual city, a business, a team, a group, it's all centered around an idea which forms a community.

Know a Builder?

If you know a Builder, we'd love to hear about them!

Tell us who they are, and why they deserve recognition.

We'll then send them a small thank you along with a note from you.

Tell us about your Builder

Why are we doing this?

We are builders ourselves, and we love seeing builders build. They don't always get awards, they don't always get recognition. Builders build more than what they've built: there's a connecting spirit that permeates and persists long after the building ends.

We want to celebrate every instance of that.


It started as a silly prank, grew to an inside joke, eventually became a right of passage and then, lastly, became a way to give recognition.

New team members were welcomed in a unique way - hearing Starship's We Built This City. Not once. Or twice. It was played, on a loop, ad nauseum. Emphasis on 'nauseum.' The rest of the team watched on, waiting for that first moment when the new team member would look up with an inquisitive look, visibly thinking "How long is this song? Is this ... on a loop?"

Everyone had their story of when they were subjected to the loop. The song appeared at team events, celebrations, weddings and more.

As all people eventually moved on from a team, it became the way we said goodbye while acknowledging contributions: We built this city.

From this arose the It's not an award, it's a thank you. is dedicated to one of the best builders out there who made waves and left ripples.

Looking for more info? Contact [email protected]